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Thursday, July 9, 2020


Dalam keadaan ekonomi yang semakin meruncing dek akibat impak pukulan pandemik COVID-19, banyak yang terkesan dan akibatnya, kebanyakan daripada kita diberhentikan kerja oleh syarikat-syarikat yang juga merasa tenat. Secara individu, saya tidak melihat mana-mana pihak harus disalahkan dalam perkara ini, kerana yang membuang pekerja mungkin ada sebab dan alasannya tersendiri. Faktor kebergantungan langsung kepada hasil jualan, tanpa ada simpanan kecemasan yang cukup sedikit sebanyak mengganggu kelancaran aliran tunai sesebuah syarikat seterusnya menyebabkan banyak yang terkesan akibat pandemik COVID-19.

Syabas dan tahniah di atas segala usaha yang telah dilakukan oleh pihak kerajaan dan juga Frontliners, sejak bermulanya Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) pada 18 Mac 2020 yang lepas. Sedikit sebanyak, hari ini, 10 Julai 2020 kita telah dapat nampak kesannya, dengan bilangan kes aktif semakin kurang, dan tiadanya pertambahan kes-kes positif yang baru. Tanpa usaha dan pengorbanan semua pihak terutamanya Frontliners, tentulah usaha ini akan menjadi sia-sia dan pengorbanan yang tidak membawa apa-apa makna. 

Kini, pada fasa pemulihan yang dijadualkan sehingga 31 Ogos, harapan semua pihak agar dapat menjaga diri masing-masing, patuhi setiap tatacara dan etika ketika berada di tempat awam. Amalkan langkah-langkah seperti yang telah disarankan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia dan Majlis Keselamatan Negara serta pihak-pihak yang dipertanggungjawabkan.

Semoga kita akan kembali seperti sediakala di era norma baharu.

Salam sayang,

Azlan Zulkarnain

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Buat Duit Dengan Uber

Salam sejahtera,

OK kali ni saya nak share pengalaman saya serba sedikit tentang memandu dengan Uber ni.
Sebelum saya share pengalaman saya sendiri memandu dengan Uber, saya cerita sikit pasal Uber.
Uber ni mula-mula masuk Malaysia pada 2014. Tapi time tu tertumpu di sekitar lembah Kelang saja.
Kemudian tahun demi tahun, mulalah Uber membesarkan rangkaian dan pengaruhnya di bandar-bandar besar lain seperti Melaka, Pulau Pinang, Johor Bahru, Ipoh, Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan dan beberapa bandar besar lain.

Cerita saya dengan Uber ni bermula pada Julai 2017. Masa ni saya dah duduk Kuantan. Jadi rasa macam nak try juga bawa Uber ni. Orang kata seronoklah, bestlah, boleh dapat sampai 5-6k sebulan. Wow!!! sape taknak buat kan?? 
Saya pun mulalah daftar. Awal-awal ni tak reti juga nak daftar, jadi saya minta tolong dengan adik ipar saya yang dah memandu dengan Uber di sekitar Lembah Kelang.

Saya register dekat ofis Uber di PJ. 

Ni antara syarat-syarat nak memandu dengan Uber. 

Syarat-syarat minimum menjadi Pemandu Uber

OK. Dah tengok syarat-syarat kan. Anda rasa cukup syarat tak? Kalau cukup boleh proceed untuk terus daftar dengan Uber. Senang je nak buat duit dengan Uber ni. 

I just made it to 500 5-star trips! Use my link to get on the road and start making money 

Saya share sikit lagi. Antara keperluan yang perlu ada selain daripada di atas adalah kereta anda sendiri. Nak pakai kereta orang lain pun boleh, tapi pastikan nama anda dimasukkan juga sebagai pemandu kedua dalam cover note insurans. Tu antara syarat-syaratnya. Lepas tu kena ada smart phone. Pakai lah Iphone ke. Samsung ke, Lenovo ke, yang penting ada smartphone dan kena download apps Uber Driver. Bila dah download apps Uber Driver nanti lagi senang untuk proses pendaftaran seterusnya.

Saya cerita serba ringkas je dulu. Dah ready nanti nak bawa Uber leh la daftar kat bawah ni yer.

I just made it to 500 5-star trips! Use my link to get on the road and start making money 

Andai ada masalah nak daftar leh terus whatsapp saya di bawah.

Melaka Trip

Alhamdulillah segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan sekalian Alam.
Apa khabar semua?
Diharap semua pembaca setia sihat-sihat walafiat hendaknya melakukan apa yang diingini setiap hari.

Baru-baru ini penulis berkesempatan meluangkan masa bercuti di Melaka. 
Saja jalan-jalan ambil angin. Banyak adik yang tolong uruskan dari segi penginapan dan sebagainya. Kami datang semata-mata nak berkumpul ramai-ramai, dah lama tak berkumpul adik beradik.

Diorang dah ada kat Melaka 22hb Disember lagi. Hari Khamis, check in kat Bayou Lagoon Resort Bukit Katil. Adik saya book yang apartment suite yang ada 3 bilik. Sesuai la untuk ramai-ramai dok dalam satu suite. 

Kami pulak datang lambat, petang Jumaat 23hb baru bertolak dari Kuantan. Kuantan-Gambang-Muadzam-Palong - ....... tup tup sampailah Melaka. Sampai-sampai dah lewat malam. Jadi kami sampai-sampai rehat-rehat je kat Hotel.

Bergambar di hadapan Sg Melaka

Esoknya pagi, apa lagi lepas sarapan (pakej sekali Hotel, macam-macam makanan), terus semua terjun pool yang besar dan indah. Macam-macam permainan ada,bolehlah tahan tapi takleh la nk compare ngan Bukit Gambang Resort city. Tapi apapun memang menarik resort ni kalau nak bawak anak-anak, budak-budak kecil main air. Taknak cerita banyak pasal main air ni, nanti sambung kat post yang lain.
Pemandangan dari tingkat apartment kami

Banyak tempat yang menarik yang kami sempat lawati, bangunan stadhuys, A Famosa, Perigi Hang Li Po, dan macam-macam lagi lah. Banyak tempat-tempat menarik nak jalan kat Melaka. Food pun banyak.
Cerita pasal food sempatlah merasa Kuih Keria Antarabangsa, Nasi Gunting kat Pasar Melaka Sentral, Asam Pedas Hjh Mona kat Kota Laksamana dan lain-lain lagilah. 

Taknak tulis panjang-panjang. nanti saya sambung lagi yer. cukup sini dulu.

Adik makan nasi Gunting

Orang beratur nak pekena nasi gunting

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Tips Langsai Hutang Kad Kredit

Salam sejahtera semua, saja nak kongsi, saya pasti semua rakan pembaca rata-rata memiliki 1, 2, hatta 5 keping kad kredit/kad hutang. Makin income besar rasanya makin banyak kad kredit yang ada. 
Nak ceritakan sikit pengalaman saya, waktu saya mula-mula kerja Petronas dulu pada 2009, lepas je confirm jawatan  dengan Petronas, saya terus je pergi bank dan bawa dokumen berkaitan untuk apply kad hutang ni. bukan satu ye, tapi 2 terus saya apply. Maybank Visacard Ikhwan ngan CIMB Islamic card. 2 2 bank approve, maklumla kerja Petronas kan, bank mana taknak bagi. Tapi time tu saya ni tak kaji2 sangat, apa interest dia, apa terma dia, apa kebaikan dia, apa keburukan dia, yang penting saya tau mudah untuk saya kalau nak pergi travel/outstation, meeting sana meeting sini, book hotel ke, senang bila ada kad hutang ni. Nak tau kredit limit saya time mula-mula apply tu. RM10,000/kad. kalau 2 kad dah RM20,000. 
Mula-mula pakai memang disiplin, pakai je bayar, pakai je bayar, and jarang saya pakai kecuali atas urusan kerja sahaja. Tapi lama-lama saya dah tak kawal apa yang saya pakai, rasa nak barang tu, saya beli, swipe... Nak beli tu saya swipe... Memang sedap time beli pakai kad hutang ni. Rasa macam dunia ni kita yang punya. 

Saya pendekkan cerita, 
nanti ada masa saya cerita lagi pengalaman saya pakai kad hutang ni. Banyak nak cerita sebenarnya tapi saya simpan dulu sebab nak kongsi apa yang saya dah baca pasal cara nak langsai hutang kad kredit ni.

Tips ni bukan saya yang tulis, tapi seorang pakar kewangan yang banyak menulis buku-buku pengurusan kewangan dan mahir dalam selok belok kewangan.

Ni link dia, kalau rasa bermanfaat dan mampu bantu rakan-rakan yang ada masalah dah cukup menenangkan hati dan jiwa saya.
sebab saya pun mengalami masalah yang sama.

apapun, baca dengan hati dan minda yang terbuka.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

MH370 remains silence...

Posted: 30 May 2014 12:20 AM PDT
This is from The Star :

  • PETALING JAYA: The area in the southern Indian Ocean where acoustic signals were detected in early April has been ruled out as the "final resting place" of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
  • "The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has advised that its professional judgement, the area can now be discounted as the final resting place of MH370," (JACC) media statement on Thursday.
  • JACC said the Bluefin-21 completed its last search mission the remaining areas 
  • data analysed and no signs of aircraft debris have been found
  • SYDNEY (AFP): A series of acoustic transmissions ..are no longer believed to have come from the plane's black box, a US navy official said Thursday.
  • The Navy's deputy director of ocean engineering Michael Dean told CNN there was now broad agreement that they came from some other man-made source unrelated to the jet 
  • if the ping-emitting beacons, detected in early April, were from the onboard data or voice recorders they would have been found by now.
  • "(the pings were) likely some sound produced by the ship ... or within the electronics of the towed pinger locator," Dean said.
  • "Always your fear any time you put electronic equipment in the water is that if any water gets in and grounds or shorts something out, that you could start producing sound."
So it is official now. Flight MH370 did not end in the southern Indian Ocean. 

Where is the plane? In the South China Sea? Kandahar? Central Asia? Diego Garcia?

Tun Dr Mahathir views~

Posted: 06 Jun 2014 11:03 PM PDT
Note : Since the Sedition Act is still in place please be careful with your comments for this post. No insulting or rude language. In the event of doubt, any untoward comments will be deleted. Then the whole world will be denied the benefit of your genius. 

This matter has actually been simmering for some time. I have been receiving emails, smses and news for the past two weeks.  Tun Dr Mahathir has been speaking on this issue from time to time, both in public and also in private. 

Here are some things he has said in public, through his Blog:

  • Di zaman ini dengan teknologi dan modal yang banyak terusan seperti Selat Tebrau pun boleh ditebusguna sepenuhnya. Nilai tanah ini tentulah amat tinggi, lebih tinggi dari belanja menebusguna. Sedikit sebanyak usaha ini sudah dilakukan.
  • Setelah pihak kita menebusguna selat di sebelah kita, pihak lain pula akan menebusguna sebelah mereka. Terusan akan jadi parit. Jambatan tidak perlu lagi. Siapakah yang akan bangun tanah tebusan yang mahal ini. Siapakah yang akan tinggal di bandar-bandar baru. Tentulah mereka yang berada sahaja yang akan memiliki kondo-kondo mewah yang akan didirikan.
  • Tak mengapalah kita dapat duit banyak. Pinggir hutan amat selesa. Kalau kita ternampak sebagai penumpang di negara sediri, itu pun tak mengapa. Selagi boleh jual negara sendiri apa salahnya menjadi penumpang.
There are plans underway in Johor whereby a foreign Chinese company is in a venture to reclaim sizeable areas of land between Johor and Singapore.  I believe Dr Mahathir's comment  "terusan seperti Selat Tebrau pun boleh ditebusguna sepenuhnya" refers to this project.  

Malaysiakini also had a detailed write up on certain issues that have irked Dr Mahathir. Here is Malaysiakini :

2.   MalaysiaKini: Sultan has more power under Housing Board Bill
EXCLUSIVE : Johor govt will table an enactment on Monday to set up a housing and real property board that will empower Sultan to appoint the board members, oversee its accounts and even dissolve the board.
  • first to provide such far-reaching powers to the ruler of a state.
  • to promote and undertake the development of housing and real property in Johor.
  • Section 4 of the enactment will allow the sultan to appoint four persons, as members of the board for no more than two years, reappointed, revoked by the sultan.
The Bill also moots to give the sultan the power to:
  • Determine the remuneration or allowances of board members;
  • Approve the appointment of a director, who can be appointed as the chief executive officer of the board;
  • Scrutinise the accounts or appoint someone to do so; and
  • Wind-up and dissolve the board.
  • The Bill also states that the estimated expenses for each following year be passed by the sultan before submission for approval of allocations from the state government.
S’gor, Penang laws don’t state ruler
  • Section 34(1) board must submit its annual report to the sultan and the state authority before June 30 every year.
  • Selangor and Penang have the similar housing board enactments, they do not state any role for the state ruler.
  • Selangor Enactment 2001 provides power to appoint board member lies in the hands of federal and state governments.
  • Penang Enactment 2010 states that the appointment of board members is to be done by the federal and state governments.
  • estimation of expenses submitted to the state authority for approval while the audit report is submitted to the chief minister and the finance minister.
  • based on the Johor constitution, which he said states that “all the powers are executed in the name of the King”.
  • opposition leader Boo Cheng Hau said power of the sultan limited to the appointment of the menteri besar and state exco members.
  • appointment of exco members done on the advice of the menteri besar,” Boo
  • opined housing board Bill is “regressive and unhealthy” in giving jurisdiction to the sultan
  • Johor Pakatan Rakyat reached consensus that Bill “puts too much burden” on sultan
  • “We are constitutional monarchy. If we hand over executive powers to the sultan, the burden will be too heavy.
  • state assembly should bear the responsibility of check-and-balance,” he said.
  • conflict of interest for MB to check the accounts as he is also the chairperson.
  • form an independent select committee,” he added.
Here is today's Star reporting more from Tun Dr Mahathir on this issue.
  • Dr Mahathir spoken against attempts to ignore Constitution and to change it “by other means”.
  • “States cannot change it nor can Rulers without the approval of the Parliament 
  • “If the Constitution is ignored by anyone, others will follow suit. The Constitution is the basic law of the country.
  • “When a precedent is established, it will become a base for other changes,” 
  • Dr Mahathir said there was already a feeling of disrespect for the Royals.
  • This may lead to other forms of disrespect. Malays ..ability to defend is eroded, they might forego their adat (custom).
“..some quarters are making use of Royalty to overcome national policies and objectives. These people must stop, especially when they are foreigners,” he added.
  • “Johor about to change certain rules, I deem it necessary these attempts to effectively change the Constitution be realised by the citizens of this country,” he added.
Here is more from The Star :

  • Constitutional experts expressed reservations on Johor Bill, saying it would enable the Sultan to meddle in the affairs of the state government
  • Bill will empower the Ruler to appoint board members, oversee its accounts and also dissolve the board.
  • Sultan would also be able to determine the remuneration of board members, approve the appointment of a director and pass the estimated expenses for each following year before seeking the state government’s approval for the allocations. 
  • Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen saying there would be a clear conflict of interest as the Johor Ruler was involved in business including property development. 
  • assemblymen have been seeking clarification from the State Legal Officer 
  • Abdul Aziz Bari said Sultan could play an active role ..without getting involved in the manner spelt out in the proposed Bill. 
  • “Bill will allow Sultan direct involvement in state administration. It is unnecessary and may compromise the concept of constitutional monarchy practised in Malaysia,” he stressed. 
  • Two BN Nasional assemblyman, who spoke on condition of anonymity, called for the Bill to be deferred .
  • powers to revoke or disband should lie with the Assembly,” said one of the assemblymen.
My comments : As I said before the country is slowly but surely coming apart. This is just another example. There is no clear leadership in the country. Where is Mr Clueless over this issue? How come Dr Mahathir is raising this matter? Dr Mahathir's views are shared by UMNO ADUNs in Johor, the Opposition in Johor as well  as a large number of Malaysian citizens.

The UMNO assemblymen in Johor have serious reservations about this matter but when Clueless remains clueless, then UMNO has no choice but to become dumbno. Kalau boss tak kata apa, pasal apa anak buah nak jadi hero?

Dr Mahathir's statement is loud and clear :  "“..some quarters are making use of Royalty to overcome national policies and objectives. These people must stop, especially when they are foreigners,” he added.
My view is that we have to relook the entire institution of the royalty. Human beings progess from hunter gatherers to organised communities, countries and nations. We have evolved from barbarism to feudalism and democracy. From tribal leadership, feudal monarchy, constitutional monarchy, republic and other forms of government. The progress is left to right. 

Any attempt to go from right to left is a step backward in the evolution of modern society. Theocracies (which do pop up from time to time in present day Iran, Saudi Arabia, Taliban Afghanistan, Kelantanistan etc) are evidence of the human capacity to be completely stupid.

As a modern and progressive people we must ensure that guarantees are in place or obstacles removed which will protect us from regressing backward. The collective rights of the people must be placed paramount above the rights of any group or individual. 

We must strengthen the democratic and FEDERAL Parliamentary process where the will of the people, captured through the vote at the ballots determines the Constitution, the government and administration of this country, which will then apply evenly in the furthest provinces and villages. 

I think the time has also come where we have to abolish the Sedition Act. The Sedition Act was first drafted in 1948 by the colonial British. The intent of the act was to prevent the locals from questioning the colonial monarch, a very obvious and cheap form of self preservation for the Brits. 

The Sedition Act has been modified to suit local needs. But looking at all the comments raised by Dr Mahathir, Dr Aziz Bari, Dr Boo Cheng Hau, UMNO Aduns in Johor and many others what exactly are those 'local needs'?

Above everything else we have to remind ourselves that this is the 21st century. This is just so out of date.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Pesanan Mentor Dr Azizan Osman

[IMKK 12-15 JUNE 2014 TICKET]

Secebis nota dari mentor kesayangan kita semua
"Bagaimana Membina Tahap Kewangan & Hidup Yang Luar Biasa Dalam Masa Yang Pantas?"
Itu soalan yang saya selalu ditanya, bagaimana saya berjaya bukan sahaja membina tahap kewangan tapi merubah hidup saya dalam masa yang singkat serta mencapai my 1st million pada umur saya 32 tahun (Itu pun sebenarnya dah lambat).
Bagaimana dengan ilmu dan pengalaman saya tersebut saya dapat membantu berpuluh ribu peserta seminar saya menggunakan formula yang sama untuk merubah tahap kewangan dan kehidupan mereka?
Jawapannya adalah ILMU.
**Program ini sangat padat dan ia telah terbukti berjaya merubah tahap kewangan lebih berpuluh ribu peserta yang pernah menghadirinya.
Samada anda seorang yang bekerja, berniaga, suri rumah, pelajar atau sesiapa sahaja WAJIB Hadir IMKK kerana ia bakal membantu meningkatkan potensi hidup dan kewangan anda.
Jangan buang masa "Trial & Error" dengan hidup anda yang hanya sekali.
**Sekiranya anda serius dan komited serta sanggup untuk berikan sedikit masa, tenaga dan wang untuk belajar formula membina kekayaan dan kejayaan ini, saya benar-benar mencadangkan agar anda spend time untuk mengambil ilmu dan pengalaman dari saya.
Saya mencadangkan anda hadir ke seminar intensif 4-hari saya iaitu dari 12 hingga 15 Jun 2014 di MIECC, The Mines, Seri Kembangan, Selangor.
Berminat? Dapatkan harga kasih syg dari saya dan hubungi ditalian 0122707685.. 2 seat lagi masih kosong.. Trm Ksh..

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